Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Random Typewriters

Why do old things hold such a fascination with us? It's not like they're useful or serve any type of purpose, but we like them just the same. Typewrites, the computer of the 1940s, have now been demoted, sadly, to a mere decoration or an obsessive hobby where people do their very best to restore them. However, as annoying as these people are, the object in question makes for great photography.
These old typewriters have unleashed a new purpose! Their ability to pose in front of a camera! Check out this photo that I took of my roommate's typewriter. The only post-production work that I did on the photo was increase the contrast a bit, take away most of the yellow tones, and add an "old photo" filter to it. I really turned out quite neat, and I'm really happy with the end result. Hope you enjoy it!

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